Order# AB227
Limited Supply!
SSAR-15 SBS Bump Stock
100% legal to own and use! Slide Fire Solutions' ground breaking "Slide Stock" technology and ergonomic design provide individuals the ability to Bump Fire more safely - offering another element of entertainment for recreational shooters everywhere! You can now safely and accurately bump-fire your AR-15 at an incredible rate. Each SSAR-15 comes with an Interface Block, SSAR-15 Rifle Stock, and Installation / Operation Instructions.
Applying principles that have been used for over 40 years to Bump Fire - this new radical design ensures the operator can hold the rifle correctly without compromising their own safety or the safety of others around them. Unlike when bump firing from the hip; the SSAR-15 allows the shooter to properly aim the firearm. In addition, the shooter must push forward to discharge each round, as a result, the shooter corrects their point-of-aim for each shot discharged instead of allowing recoil to push the muzzle upward.
Secondary to design, the SSAR-15 has opened other avenues for physically challenged sportsmen to operate their firearms without the need for bulky prohibitive equipment. Individuals that suffer from severe arthritis, partial paralysis, or other conditions that affect their ability to traditionally operate a firearm can now utilize the SSAR-15 and the muscular strength in their entire arm to active the firing mechanism.
The SSAR-15 is designed for use on all AR-15 rifles equipped with a carbine style buffer tube. There are no permanent modifications necessary to install the SSAR-15.
By removing the factory pistol grip and replacing it with the provided Interface Block - the SSAR-15 simply slides onto the buffer tube; replacing the factory adjustable stock.
> Available in Right Hand Models
> Constructed of Premium Reinforced High Strength Polymer
> Compatible with Mil-Spec and Commercial Buffer Tubes
> Winter Trigger Guards and some Sling Plates may not be compatible
Includes: SSAR-15 SBS Rifle Stock, Interface Block.
This item is restricted in the following cities and/or states: California, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington
Bumpstock Bumpfire Bump Fire Bump Stock
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