ZAP Cane - 1 Million Volt Stun Gun / Cane
ZAP Cane - 1 Million Volt Stun Gun / Cane
$89.99 $67.99
Order# PC411
Order# PC411
Looks like an ordinary walking stick. But in the event of a violent assault, this bad boy is packing a nasty surprise. The Zap Cane is capable of delivering a staggering one million volts of stopping power to your attacker! Would-be assailants are stopped cold, completely brought up short by the Zap Cane's massive immobilizing power. You're given time to get away to safety, while causing no lasting harm to your attacker.
Built-in LED flashlight in the handle helps light your way
Adjustable length extends from 32-36"
Supports up to 250 lbs. of pressure as a walking stick
Rechargeable NiMH battery
Includes wall charger and carrying case. Weighs just 1 lb., 6 1/2 ozs.
Stun Guns / Tasers cannot be shipped to CA; CT; Wilmington, DE; HI; Crawford county, IA; Dennison, IA; IL; Annapolis, Baltimore and Howard counties, MD; MI; NJ; NY; Philadelphia, PA; RI; D.C.; MA; Canada or Puerto Rico. Stun Guns / Tasers cannot be shipped Parcel Post. Please check your State, County and City laws for restrictions before ordering Stun Guns / Tasers.
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